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Human Settlements In the Future

Author: Wu Liangyong
Publication Date:2013.10.01
Page Count:124

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It has been 20 years since Wu Liangyong was inspired by 21 Agenda issued by UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, and first proposed sciences of human settlements in 1993. From 1993 to 2011, Wu Liangyong and his team had been devoted to theory research and practice of sciences of human settlements, hoping to form a system of it. In 2011, sciences of human settlements won the state supreme science and technology award. As a scholar with social responsibility and obligation, Wu Liangyong hoped that these scientific ideas can be carried out and practiced, and then be testified and improved. Thus, he revised several articles written in the last year and made them into a collection. These articles are based on theoretical discussions and aimed at exploring the developing direction of academic thinking. They are not merely contemplations in the ivory tower, but based on the Chinese reality and combined with information from many sources and practical projects.

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  • 目录

    第1 章.明日之人居001

    第2 章. 论新型城镇化与人居环境建设 011

    第3 章. 学术前沿议人居 023

    第4 章. 科学发展议人居 033

    第5 章. 城镇化与人居环境科学 047

    第6 章. 城市文化与人居建设研究 055

    第7 章. 人居环境与审美文化(上) 083

    第8 章. 人居环境与审美文化(下) 095

    第9 章. 风景园林专业与社会发展的领悟 105

    第10章.《空间共享:新马克思主义与中国城镇化》书序 113

    跋 118

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